News from Chabad Lubavitch of Mid Hudson Valley. 4/29/2011

Chabad Lubavitch of Mid-Hudson Valley Newsletter

Friday April 29, 2011 

Nissan 25, 5771


Parshat Kedoshim

Blessing of the New Month of Iyar

A word from the Rabbi

Dear friends, 


I hope that you all had a wonderful Pesach and that the Seders were inspirational and joyous, spent in the company of family and friends. May we all experience and carry forth the sense of true inner freedom throughout the entire year.


This Shabbat we begin reciting Pirkei Avot, Ethics of Fathers, and continue doing so every Shabbat throughout the entire summer until  Rosh Hashanah. Ethics of fathers contains much deep wisdom and teaches us proper behavior towards our fellowman, which serves as a preparation for receiving the Torah on Shavuot.


 hebrew school


Chabad Hebrew school resumes this coming Sunday.




Upcoming Classes and Events:


May 8- Mother’s Day brunch for all moms of our Hebrew School children.


Chabad of Mid Hudson Valley presents
Kabbalah in Northern Dutchess
Join us on a Journey of Light
* Explore the mystical and spiritual insights  contained in the 22 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet.
* Discover the wisdom inherent in the Aleph Bet and the guidance they  provide in all areas  of life.
* See these sacred letters in a whole new light.
When?  Four consecutive Mondays May 16, 24, 30 and June 6 7:30 PM
Where? Office of Dr. Leon Krakower, 19 East Market St., Red Hook
Instructor: Mrs. Hindy Borenstein
Requested donation: $25 for entire course
To register please call Chabad at 463-5801 or e-mail


This class will  also be held in Poughkeepsie in the month of June – dates to be announced shortly.


Class on Ethics of Fathers with Rabbi Borenstein to begin shortly. Details coming shortly.


Reserve the date:


May 22: Lag Baomer Bonfire and BBQ with      special hands on Drum Circle around the fire

Details and location to be announced.


Dear Friends:
This week’s Torah portion tells us to “Love your fellow as yourself.”

The Talmud relates the story of the budding convert who came to the venerable sage, Hillel, and asked him to teach him the whole Torah whilst standing on one foot. Hillel replied: “What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow. This is the whole Torah–the rest is commentary…”

Rabbi Akiva considered love for one’s fellow “a vital principle of the Torah.”

ahavat yisroelWhy did Hillel place so much emphasis on this particular precept? We can understand how it underlies those commandments which apply amongst between our fellow man; but how does it impact on those commandments which apply between mankind and G-d? How is brotherly love related to keeping the Sabbat, or Kosher?
We need to look further into the concept of loving one’s fellow “as oneself.” How can I love someone else like myself? Ultimately, no matter how close we may become, do we not remain distinct individuals? Do not “self” and “other” forever remain two separate and unbridgeable entities?

This is true when we consider our physical existence. As physical beings, self and other are indeed two distinct entities. In the spiritual realm, however, they are ultimately one, for all souls derive from the same source, united with G-d at that source.

When we regard our physical selves as the “I” and the soul as a mere accessory, we are indeed different from another. If, however, we regard the soul as the “I”, our spiritual needs as paramount, then the differences between us dissipate and we are able to love another just as we love ourselves.

Loving another person the same way as one loves oneself involves acknowledging and nurturing our own spiritual roots, seeing and relating to our deepest self.

And that is the underlying principle behind every mitzvah.

Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi & Mrs Yacov Borenstein
The Rebbe

To learn more about the Rebbe, click on the picture above.

 Candle Lighting Times

 Poughkeepsie, NY   
Shabbat Candles
Friday, April 29

Light Candles at
7:34 PM
Shabbat ends at
8:38 PM
Upcoming Events
Shabbat Services 

10:00 AM
followed by a delecious kiddush
Women’s Torah class:
Wednesday Mornings
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Ask the Rabbi,
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(845) 463-5801 

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